Tuesday, April 20, 2010

First of all, I just want to point out that while I always love the show House, last night's episode wasn't THAT great. I mean sure, it had it's classic Gregory House moments and Thirteen was more in the show now. But all in all, very calm, not that impressive episode.

However, I must point out, that House and Thirteen, need to sleep together. Everyone would be happy. In my opinion, they belong together. I'm sorry. Send me hate mail for all I fucking care, but they are two peas in one sarcastic, emotionally cold, pod. Moving on.

As I said last week. Our beloved Renee Walker was killed off of 24 during the last 'hour' of the show. In my personally professional opinion, this particular point is when he decided he had to do something. Something now.

And as I again, so eliquetly (did I even fucking spell that right?) predicted last week, the death of Renee will most certainly cause Jack Bauer to return to his old scary ways. And believe me, they are scary.

Bauer main goal for this 'hour' was to figure out who called the hit on his Renee. Jack first stops off at the trial of one of the main Russian guys from the beginning of the show. At first the guy is not cooperating. Until the old Jack comes out. "I will kill everyone in your family before tonight." Just like that. The guy starts talking. Why? Because they guy is not stupid and knows that he is serious. Way to keep your testicles Mr. Russian.

One thing that I am slightly not happy about, is the fact that Chloe O'Brian, which has been a staple on the show since day one, has now been put in charge of CTU. And she's already having a hard time trying to not be power hungry and still help out her FRIEND, Jack Bauer. Stupid bitch is starting to get power hungry. I see it. "Damn It, Chloe!" Famous liner that I am invoking.

So anyways, turns out Dana Walsh, the might I add, ugly ass blonde on the show, is one of the people behind the assination of Renee Walker. And in true fashion, Bauer bashed her face into the steel table. I loved it. And of course, she claimed she could tell him things if she could be granted full immunity. And Jack says..."If you lie to me, I will find you no matter where you try to hide." I swooned.

This man, Ex-President Logan, is now back on the show. And of course, he has ALREADY caused problems! He found out that Jack is in the picture, and has already worked his evil magic and gotten Bauer booted and has convinced the current president, to ship Bauer away.

And sure enough, she did. Didn't stop Jack from stealing the helicopter and flying away though! Stay tuned next week! Bauer is sure to kill SOMEONE! He is now officially working on his own, which is when he is at his best, but now I'm curious as if Chloe will remain loyal to her friend Jack, or will she throw him under the damn bus now that she's the boss at CTU? Hmmmmm.

AND NOW! I recently downloaded a program for my computer called TweetDeck. Reason being, is because I am following SO MANY tweets, that I can't keep up with them all and I miss juicy details. I.e., like Tweets that inform me about upcoming projects that different actors or actresses are in.

OR, like when Neal Baer, behind the scenes of importance guy of SVU, posts tweets of SVU nature.

Here's some fun tidbits. Sharon Stone will now be on the series from a legal stand point. The new ADA or something like that. It is said that her character will have a knack for saying all the right "wrong" things! My guess, she'll make comments about Elliot and Olivia. Which I'm all for.

Tomorrow night's episode is called "Beef". Apparently Detective Olivia Benson will be going undercover at a meat packing company or district or whatever. No, this is not THE episode. One, it's not May 5th you retarded asshole, Two, THAT episode is BOTH of them going undercover.

Speaking of, that extremely hyped up episode for May 5th, will be called "Ace". Start thinking of WHY it's called that. I'm curious. And now, a parting shot.

Tuesday nights are not tv nights for me as there are no good shows on. Call me crazy, you, are not me. So stuff it. Therefore, I will not be blogging tomorrow at all, and instead will blog Wednesday night, after SVU and it'll probably be more ranting and raving. You love it. Maybe.

By the way, I also want to add that I DO NOT have all these inside connections. And any spoilers or tidbits I get, I get from research and other lovely sites. Either from Neal Baer on Twitter or E!, or some other crazy site. So don't go trying to sue me. Because believe me, you'll get MAYBE a dime. Literally. Until next time...

I'm hungry.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

WHAT is happening on SVU??!?!?

Just to let you know, normally I would not write more than one blog entry per day. Much less per week. However, when I found this out, I needed to blog about it because it is simply too huge of a deal not to.

Also please be advised that if you are a BIG Law & Order: SVU fan, but do not like being spoiled with spoilers, then do not keep reading. Because then you'll get spoiled and try to get pissed off at me. In which I will then pull your fucking hair and tell you to suck my non existent dick.

With that out of the way, when I said in my previous blog entry, that as far as tv, movies, dvds, and books go, May is possibly the biggest month out of the year. And what I'm about to tell you, just proves my point.

The May 5th episode of SVU is one that will have fans and even those that barely watch the show, having heart attacks. Full blown, what the fuck, oh my shit, I can't believe it heart attacks.

During this episode, this is what supposedly is going to basically happen. Detectives Elliot Stabler and Olivia Benson, whose sexual tension and love for each other has been a huge stable in the show for 9 or 10 years now, will be going undercover......AS A MARRIED COUPLE, looking to adopt a baby.

I know, try to breath. It took me a while to getting my breathing under control, but I pulled it off.

Now this is a big deal. What if something happens? What if they hook up? What if all of our dreams about this couple come true?!? And btw, it was very difficult to find pics on my computer that were decent enough to post on here that showed their love. OR lovingly towards each other. Yeah...okay.

Tune in, and watch to see what unfolds.

'24' Surprises and Upcoming May Events

So an EXPLOSIVE two hour episode of 24 on Monday night! And I use explosive, even though, there was no technical exploding of anything.

However, I will be the first to admit, that lately, the show has been losing it's fire power. It really hasn't had that umph since the President Logan days. During those days, there were so many twists and turns, you were LITERALLY on the edge of your chair waiting to find out what else happened.

Another thing, we know I'm a big fan of tv couples. Well, this season, Jack Bauer, FINALLY got a serious enough love interest. Now granted, he had one a few seasons back, but I personally didn't like her and I thought she was ugly, so I don't count her. So Renee Walker, in the picture I have provided, was his love interest. This season she is ex FBI after getting fired for almost killing someone during interrogation. Something everyone knows she picked up from Jack. Then she decided to go undercover and basically had a death wish. That was until she realized that she and Jack loved each other. And this past episode, during the second hour of the two parter episode, she and Jack FINALLY DID IT!

What I found funny though, is that you found out they were having sex, because you could see through the eyes of the assasin that was aiming for them. LMFAO. I thought it was perfect.

That was until said assasin shot and killed Renee Walker, love of Jack Bauer.

I was like....WHAT?!?!?!?! Last week when they kept saying that it was going to be a shocker of an episode, I was thinking, okay, I already know ex Prez Logan comes back. Probably to cause more havoc, but to kill Renee!?!?

And Jack Bauer cried, for the first time, since his wife was killed in Season One. Which of course, made me cry because I wanted to make Keifer Sutherland feel better. ;) The other part that was sad about this, is that he JUST finally allowed himself to get close to someone again since his wife was killed, and that said person ends up getting killed.

It really makes you see why Jack Bauer doesn't mind killing and maiming people.

I have to say, yes, the whole Sex and the City thing is getting a little played out.

HOWEVER, there is one GIGANTIC reason that I am extremely pumped to go to the sequel when it comes out next month.

Yes you saw that correctly. Aiden is back. And by the looks of the second trailer that was recently released, he's back with a vengence!

Another thing that little birdies and hard research have let me know...is that there is a good chance that Harry cheats on Char! WHAT?!?

Two more things that are a big deal that are coming next month. May is always a huge month of the year when it comes to tv and movies and dvds and books. The only thing that really isn't that big of deal this month is music. Go figure.

Anyways, here are the last two big things coming up!

The 10th book in the Sookie Stackhouse series by acclaimed author Charlaine Harris will be out in May. She has released the first chapter on her website for those who want to read some now. Although I can tell you right now, there's nothing there. So it's boring and pointless to go read it instead of just waiting. Apparently, there's also some released spoilers of the book on TrueBlood.net. So if you don't mind getting spoiled, then head over there for all your Sookie/True Blood needs.

And finally, this:

Season Two of True Blood on DVD comes out next month as well. I hate that they wait until May to release the DVDs, but I understand why. They wait until the month before the new season starts on HBO to build up hype. But still, fuck hype, give me my damn dvd assholes!

All in all, next month will be crazy for me, and I don't care if I don't get to eat and if Pondell goes hungry or if my heat gets shut off, I'm getting these things next month. Come hell or high water, it will be done.

And that concludes my ranting and raving. Until next time.

Jerky Lover

Friday, March 19, 2010

Dear Facebook, You Rock

Okay, well there isn't a whole lot to write about. I've been sick for about a week now and so I have really just not cared about giving you my opinions on anything. It sucks too because I have passed up looking for a job and time with my best buds.

However, it kinda feels like I'm getting over the illness, so my face no longer feels like it's sliding off of my skull.

First up, we have about two months until Charlaine Harris' book "Dead in the Family" comes out. It will be released in May and I couldn't be more excited.

One bit of sad news, which depresses me a little is that New Moon comes out tonight/tomorrow and I won't be able to get for a while. Which means I'll miss out on getting the special edition ones and by the time I'll be able to get it, it'll be on sale and just be the one disc with the movie on it. I'm not going to lie, this actually depresses me more than it probably should, but it's just more evidence of how much I hate my life sometimes.

On a good note, Facebook once again, proved itself to be a reliable place to join forces. Today, I was pleasantly surprised to find in my inbox, a whole private message filled with mean and angry words filled with bad language and funny one liners. It could only be one person, and it was my VERY good friend that I had worked with at Walmart. And I could not contain my excitement because I had missed my friend so much since I left.

So now, she is picking me up on Wednesday and we get to hang up and she's going to take me to look for a job. And I am SOOOOOOOOOOOO happy that we get to hang out again because literally, we ran Walmart. We owned that place! We had so much fun there! It was really nice because I hadn't had that much fun since I worked at McDonalds with Amy! She filled my Yma void at the time. LOL

Well anyways, that's pretty much all. I just haven't blogged in a couple of days and figured I would get to it! Until next time!

Couch Blogger.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Sickness and Annoyance

Sorry, it seems this blog just has been about everything, and I really wanted to try to focus just on certain things. lol But when i have something to say, I have to just get it out there.

Today I woke up feeling worse than ever. Everything hurts and people are pissing me off.

My boyfriend is pissing me off a lot lately and I REALLY want to punch someone. But I don't think anyone is going to go for that.

I am so tired, I feel like I haven't slept at all.

So until I get better. Everything goes on hold. No writing, no cooking, barely cleaning the house, giving a crap, looking for a job.

All that. So in conclusion, today, I hate the world. Tomorrow, we'll see.

Ms. Snotty McSnoterson.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Song For The Story

Anyone that has read the story that I am writing. At least gets the jist of it. So I wanted to tell you that what song is the official anthem or whatever. Theme song for the whole damn story.

Plus I'm too lazy to sit there and find like 4 or 5 songs to go with EACH chapter.

But this song DEFINITELY fits the story from both sides. And fits my life at one point. :D

"Halo" by Pussycat Dolls.

OKAY, a note here. Since I have gotten into a few online arguments over this damn song. Yes, Beyonce has a song called "Halo". I'm not stupid fuckers, it was on the damn radio for weeks. If I'm arguing with you on the computer, chances are, that I have a radio. Assholes.

But yes, PCD has a "Halo" song as well. Go figure! Assholes that argued with me, I guess it wouldn't make sense for there to be songs out there with the same title!

Besides, I like PCD's "Halo" better! If you want to hear it, just go to YouTube and search it. It's there.

Anyways, I just had to vent about how stupid people are that think that I am not superior to them. It never ends up well for them.

Couch Lint

Monday, March 15, 2010


Just throwing this out there. But "Riot" by Three Days Grace literally makes me want to start throwing a hissy fit in my living room. :D

One and Only

One and Only

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Just Throwing In a Thought

I would like to know what everyone's opinion is on the new Lady Gaga feat. Beyonce music video for "Telephone".

I am on the fence. There are things I like about it, and things I did not. For one, yes, lets all clap for Lady PussyFoot for being so darn original even though really, she's not the first to be so damn original.

I think the only part I actually like liked was the dance sequence at the end. Everything else was a big 'WTF?' for me.

And was it really necessary for the video to be almost 9 1/2 minutes long!? The story made no sense, and all I got was the Lady Gaga wanted to prove she doesn't have a penis, which apparently, she did prove. And that she apparently likes to show off her ass.

Beyonce, luckily, didn't go too over the top with her scenes. Which I was HIGHLY thankful for.

Oh, and the truck. The only other cool thing in the video. Everything else, made no sense. I felt like I was watching a twisted Twilight Zone version of Thelma and Louise.

Just sayin'.

Mashed Potatos

Shows I'm Obsessed With

So I figured, for you to understand my ways, you would need to watch what seeps into my skull. I watch so much tv, it's not even funny. Yet somehow, I manage to watch more tv than the average person, play on the internet, and raise two kids...well three if you count the somewhat adult. Heh heh.

My Monday evenings are completely filled. And when I say filled, I mean I have numerous shows on different networks, on at the same time, that I HAVE to watch.

Starting at 7pm, I switch back and forth between FOX and CW watching 'House' and 'One Tree Hill'. And if it has occured to you that this would be a difficult task because I would at least miss some on one show or the other. I assure you, I have perfected this for many years. It doesn't happen for me. I have skillfully perfected the art of channel surfing and having the timing down packed.

At 8pm, I switch back and forth between THREE networks. Yes, you read correctly. That wasn't a typo. See, FOX has '24', and we all know my obsession with Keifer Sutherland. And if you didn't? Well, let's just say...it's bad. Anyways! So yeah, '24', CW has 'Life Unexpected', which is funny, because I unexpectedly loved the show. And CBS has 'Two and a Half Men' and 'The Big Bang Theory'.

Now I will be honest on this one. The show that I do miss a little on due to the traffic of shows that I have to watch is 'Life Unexpected'. However, CW has generously shown reruns on other days. Which is why I forgive CW when they try to have shows like 'Melrose Place' or this new stupid ass one...'High..Life...Society...' I don't know! It's just stupid.

My stress does come down though at 9pm, because I only have one show, and that's CBS' 'CSI:Miami'. Now, again, the only reason I am obsessed with this show, is because of the coupling. I really want more Delco/...whatever her name is. Dammit! Okay, I don't know her name and I don't care! Delco is hot! All there is to it.

Tuesdays have now been turned into my days that I mostly play on the internet. 'Scrubs' used to be on Tuesdays. Now it's on Wednesdays. AND, they moved SVU to Wednesdays from Tuesdays. So Tuesday is a dude day and so I need suggestions as to what shows to watch on that night.

Now like I already said, Wednesday is convered. 'Scrubs' and a generous 2 hour helping of 'SVU' that curls my toes. :D

Thursdays are full. 'Vampire Diaries' on CW. And if you don't watch it yet, you should! The books were awesome, and the show is better than the books! But you didn't hear that from me.

I also have the household favorite, 'Supernatural' on CW. And I have to say. If Dean Winchester approached me and said let's go. I would grab my kids and leave very very quickly. Now notice, I said I would grab the kids. Simply because I knew if I hadn't had said that, I would be getting a couple of phone calls and people on Facebook wondering why I don't love my kids. Chill people.

Friday nights are a bit of surfing. Wrestling comes on that night and so does 'Smallville'. Lois and Clark are finally together and I can't miss a second of that! But then I can't miss wrestling either because what if Batista is on!?! The horror of that error is terrifying to me.

Saturday during the days sucks and I RARELY am pleased with their movie choices on FOX, CW, and OK43.

Sundays are the WORST for me though. Being a not that religious person, having every one of my channels taken over by national news or some preacher really pisses me off. So those days are DVD days.

That's all for now. I'm sure this was completely interesting. But hey, I write about what I know. And what I know is...not much. So on that note, tomorrow will be shows that should be banned. And then probably a blog about shows that should come back!

Hot Dogs.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Late Night Weekends

Most people hate overnight television. Infomercials are in abundance and those commericals for the 'phone dating' is so unbelievably horrible and LOUD that I can't help but start critcizing each other the girls that appear in them.

That being said. I personally LOVE overnight television on the weekends. My weekday primetime shows are booked solid with shows that I watch a regular basis, that I crave my overnight weekend shows to catch me up on shows that I don't watch during the week.

Like 'Grey's Anatomy' for example. I had NEVER seen one episode of it, or much less wanted to. But then I needed something to watch at midnight on Saturday/Sunday night. I started watching it, and now I really like it. But the only reason I like it, is because of Merideth Grey and McDreamy. I will only watch the reruns though. I refuse to watch when the new episodes that come on ABC. Just because that would techinically put me in the McDreamy/McSteamy watching group. I'm not a conformist. I live on the edge.

Another one is 'House'. Never watched it at all, but as soon as it started coming on Saturday and Sunday nights, I was all over that show! Which is weird a little, because I'm not really feeling any of the 'couples' on that show. I just really like how sarcastic and assholy House is. It's hot.

'The Hills'. I like the show, simply because it fills my 2am-3am time slot Sunday mornings. That whole Spiedi thing creeps me the hell out. However, it is really funny to watch the changes to Hiedi's face as if you were flipping the pages of a picture book really fast and making it an animation!

Um...yeah! Okay, so the Sookie Stackhouse novels! I am waiting not so patiently for Dead in the Family to come out. And it's taking so long that I secretly cuss out the authors of books because they can't get a book out every few months like a Twilight movie can! I'm hugely obsessed with the not so odd, yet odd enough couple in the later books that it's driving me crazy!

That's all I'm going to write for this post. Next up, my human tv guide schedule. And then shows that should be banned.

Potato Chips.