Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Sickness and Annoyance

Sorry, it seems this blog just has been about everything, and I really wanted to try to focus just on certain things. lol But when i have something to say, I have to just get it out there.

Today I woke up feeling worse than ever. Everything hurts and people are pissing me off.

My boyfriend is pissing me off a lot lately and I REALLY want to punch someone. But I don't think anyone is going to go for that.

I am so tired, I feel like I haven't slept at all.

So until I get better. Everything goes on hold. No writing, no cooking, barely cleaning the house, giving a crap, looking for a job.

All that. So in conclusion, today, I hate the world. Tomorrow, we'll see.

Ms. Snotty McSnoterson.

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