Tuesday, April 20, 2010

First of all, I just want to point out that while I always love the show House, last night's episode wasn't THAT great. I mean sure, it had it's classic Gregory House moments and Thirteen was more in the show now. But all in all, very calm, not that impressive episode.

However, I must point out, that House and Thirteen, need to sleep together. Everyone would be happy. In my opinion, they belong together. I'm sorry. Send me hate mail for all I fucking care, but they are two peas in one sarcastic, emotionally cold, pod. Moving on.

As I said last week. Our beloved Renee Walker was killed off of 24 during the last 'hour' of the show. In my personally professional opinion, this particular point is when he decided he had to do something. Something now.

And as I again, so eliquetly (did I even fucking spell that right?) predicted last week, the death of Renee will most certainly cause Jack Bauer to return to his old scary ways. And believe me, they are scary.

Bauer main goal for this 'hour' was to figure out who called the hit on his Renee. Jack first stops off at the trial of one of the main Russian guys from the beginning of the show. At first the guy is not cooperating. Until the old Jack comes out. "I will kill everyone in your family before tonight." Just like that. The guy starts talking. Why? Because they guy is not stupid and knows that he is serious. Way to keep your testicles Mr. Russian.

One thing that I am slightly not happy about, is the fact that Chloe O'Brian, which has been a staple on the show since day one, has now been put in charge of CTU. And she's already having a hard time trying to not be power hungry and still help out her FRIEND, Jack Bauer. Stupid bitch is starting to get power hungry. I see it. "Damn It, Chloe!" Famous liner that I am invoking.

So anyways, turns out Dana Walsh, the might I add, ugly ass blonde on the show, is one of the people behind the assination of Renee Walker. And in true fashion, Bauer bashed her face into the steel table. I loved it. And of course, she claimed she could tell him things if she could be granted full immunity. And Jack says..."If you lie to me, I will find you no matter where you try to hide." I swooned.

This man, Ex-President Logan, is now back on the show. And of course, he has ALREADY caused problems! He found out that Jack is in the picture, and has already worked his evil magic and gotten Bauer booted and has convinced the current president, to ship Bauer away.

And sure enough, she did. Didn't stop Jack from stealing the helicopter and flying away though! Stay tuned next week! Bauer is sure to kill SOMEONE! He is now officially working on his own, which is when he is at his best, but now I'm curious as if Chloe will remain loyal to her friend Jack, or will she throw him under the damn bus now that she's the boss at CTU? Hmmmmm.

AND NOW! I recently downloaded a program for my computer called TweetDeck. Reason being, is because I am following SO MANY tweets, that I can't keep up with them all and I miss juicy details. I.e., like Tweets that inform me about upcoming projects that different actors or actresses are in.

OR, like when Neal Baer, behind the scenes of importance guy of SVU, posts tweets of SVU nature.

Here's some fun tidbits. Sharon Stone will now be on the series from a legal stand point. The new ADA or something like that. It is said that her character will have a knack for saying all the right "wrong" things! My guess, she'll make comments about Elliot and Olivia. Which I'm all for.

Tomorrow night's episode is called "Beef". Apparently Detective Olivia Benson will be going undercover at a meat packing company or district or whatever. No, this is not THE episode. One, it's not May 5th you retarded asshole, Two, THAT episode is BOTH of them going undercover.

Speaking of, that extremely hyped up episode for May 5th, will be called "Ace". Start thinking of WHY it's called that. I'm curious. And now, a parting shot.

Tuesday nights are not tv nights for me as there are no good shows on. Call me crazy, you, are not me. So stuff it. Therefore, I will not be blogging tomorrow at all, and instead will blog Wednesday night, after SVU and it'll probably be more ranting and raving. You love it. Maybe.

By the way, I also want to add that I DO NOT have all these inside connections. And any spoilers or tidbits I get, I get from research and other lovely sites. Either from Neal Baer on Twitter or E!, or some other crazy site. So don't go trying to sue me. Because believe me, you'll get MAYBE a dime. Literally. Until next time...

I'm hungry.

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