Sunday, March 14, 2010

Shows I'm Obsessed With

So I figured, for you to understand my ways, you would need to watch what seeps into my skull. I watch so much tv, it's not even funny. Yet somehow, I manage to watch more tv than the average person, play on the internet, and raise two kids...well three if you count the somewhat adult. Heh heh.

My Monday evenings are completely filled. And when I say filled, I mean I have numerous shows on different networks, on at the same time, that I HAVE to watch.

Starting at 7pm, I switch back and forth between FOX and CW watching 'House' and 'One Tree Hill'. And if it has occured to you that this would be a difficult task because I would at least miss some on one show or the other. I assure you, I have perfected this for many years. It doesn't happen for me. I have skillfully perfected the art of channel surfing and having the timing down packed.

At 8pm, I switch back and forth between THREE networks. Yes, you read correctly. That wasn't a typo. See, FOX has '24', and we all know my obsession with Keifer Sutherland. And if you didn't? Well, let's just's bad. Anyways! So yeah, '24', CW has 'Life Unexpected', which is funny, because I unexpectedly loved the show. And CBS has 'Two and a Half Men' and 'The Big Bang Theory'.

Now I will be honest on this one. The show that I do miss a little on due to the traffic of shows that I have to watch is 'Life Unexpected'. However, CW has generously shown reruns on other days. Which is why I forgive CW when they try to have shows like 'Melrose Place' or this new stupid ass one...'High..Life...Society...' I don't know! It's just stupid.

My stress does come down though at 9pm, because I only have one show, and that's CBS' 'CSI:Miami'. Now, again, the only reason I am obsessed with this show, is because of the coupling. I really want more Delco/...whatever her name is. Dammit! Okay, I don't know her name and I don't care! Delco is hot! All there is to it.

Tuesdays have now been turned into my days that I mostly play on the internet. 'Scrubs' used to be on Tuesdays. Now it's on Wednesdays. AND, they moved SVU to Wednesdays from Tuesdays. So Tuesday is a dude day and so I need suggestions as to what shows to watch on that night.

Now like I already said, Wednesday is convered. 'Scrubs' and a generous 2 hour helping of 'SVU' that curls my toes. :D

Thursdays are full. 'Vampire Diaries' on CW. And if you don't watch it yet, you should! The books were awesome, and the show is better than the books! But you didn't hear that from me.

I also have the household favorite, 'Supernatural' on CW. And I have to say. If Dean Winchester approached me and said let's go. I would grab my kids and leave very very quickly. Now notice, I said I would grab the kids. Simply because I knew if I hadn't had said that, I would be getting a couple of phone calls and people on Facebook wondering why I don't love my kids. Chill people.

Friday nights are a bit of surfing. Wrestling comes on that night and so does 'Smallville'. Lois and Clark are finally together and I can't miss a second of that! But then I can't miss wrestling either because what if Batista is on!?! The horror of that error is terrifying to me.

Saturday during the days sucks and I RARELY am pleased with their movie choices on FOX, CW, and OK43.

Sundays are the WORST for me though. Being a not that religious person, having every one of my channels taken over by national news or some preacher really pisses me off. So those days are DVD days.

That's all for now. I'm sure this was completely interesting. But hey, I write about what I know. And what I know is...not much. So on that note, tomorrow will be shows that should be banned. And then probably a blog about shows that should come back!

Hot Dogs.


  1. sweetie you know they have shows now on the internet so you dont have to switch back and forth!!!

  2. I know, but that would take away from my professionalism. lol
